Rule reference

  • Danish RO Agreement
  • Notice B, Chapter 1. Part B.
  • Resolution A. 1053(27), Revised survey guidelines under the harmonized system of surey and certification (HSSC), 2011, General, section 5.10 Inspection of the outside of a passenger ship´s bottom
  • MSC.1/Circ. 1348 Guidelines for the assessment of technical provisions for the perfor- mance of an in-water survey in lieu of bottom inspection in dry-dock to permit one dry- dock examination in any five-year period for passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships

Explanatory note

Passenger ships must be subject to renewal surveys at intervals of a maximum of 12 months, calculated from the last renewal survey.

In the regulations on the scope of surveys laid down by the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA), it is stated that a renewal survey must include an examination of the outside of the ship’s bottom. This bottom survey is in general required to be carried out while the ship is in dock.

However, on a number of occasions, the DMA has permitted every second bottom survey to be carried out with the ship in the water. On the basis of the experience gained, the DMA will, for passenger ships that must be subject to bottom surveys every year, in general permit the bottom surveys to be carried out in accordance with the guidelines stated in Resolution A.1053(27), Survey guidelines under the harmonized system of survey and certification and MSC.1/Circ. 1348.

5.10 Inspection of the outside of the passenger ship’s bottom (HSSC, General)

5.10.1 A minimum of two of the inspections of the outside of the ship’s bottom during any five-year period should be conducted in dry-dock. In all cases, the maximum in- terval between any two dry-dock bottom inspections should not exceed 36 months.

5.10.2 Where acceptable to the Administration, the minimum number of inspections in dry-dock of the outside of the bottom of a passenger ship (which is not a ro-ro pas- senger ship) in any five-year period may be reduced from two to one. In such cases the interval between consecutive inspections in dry-dock should not exceed 60 months.

Note: The definition of “any five-year period” is the five-year period of validity of the International Load Line Certificate.

5.10.2 Inspections of the ship’s bottom required for the renewal survey that are not conducted in dry-dock may be carried out with the ship afloat. The bottom inspection, regardless of method, should be carried out within the allowable time window for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate renewal survey (i.e. within the 3 months time win- dow before the expiry date of the certificate). Additionally, inspections of the outside of the ship’s bottom conducted afloat should only be carried out when the conditions are satisfactory and the proper equipment and suitably qualified staff is available. Rudder bearing clearances specified in (PR) need not be taken at the afloat inspections.

5.10.4 Special consideration should be given to ships 15 years of age or over before being permitted to credit inspections afloat.

5.10.5 If a survey in dry-dock is not completed within the maximum intervals referred to above, the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate should cease to be valid until the survey in dry-dock is completed. 


Classed passenger ships

If the ship is classed, the survey is held by the Recognised Organisation (RO) in accordance with the regulations of the relevant RO for such a survey.

If the ship is 15 years or older, a request must be forwarded by the owner to the RO for a permit to carry out the bottom survey, while the ship is in the water.

The RO is authorised to decide on the request according to the regulations of the relevant RO for such a survey. The RO shall document the rationale behind its decision in the survey report forwarded to the DMA.


Unclassed passenger ships

If the ship is not classed, both the DMA and an RO can be requested to carry out the survey. The survey must be held in accordance with the regulations of an RO. If the survey is held by the DMA, this must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the DMA.

If the ship is 15 years or older, a request must be forwarded by the owner to the DMA for a permit to carry out the bottom survey, while the ship is in the water.